Meet Sam

If she wasn't spending every waking moment bringing you only the best International and local products, our illustrious leader Samantha (Sam) Glover would be traipsing the globe sampling all the worlds most interesting, delicious and unique food and wine! Lucky for us she is staying put and always finding ways to bring a seemingly endless range of culinary delights direct to us!
We spend so much time talking about all of the amazing goodies we have available, we thought it would be nice to go behind the scenes to find out a little more about lady herself!


For those who don't know Sam... her fabulous family - husband Simon & her two daughter's Emily & Bronte are her number one priority!  She's is definitely not the only one in the family who has a huge passion for delicious food & wine! It's unsurprising that dinner parties at Sam house are always an amazing mash up of a delicious endless supply of food, sensational wines, hysterical laughing and just a splash of karaoke! ok more then a splash


A very modest lady not one for talking about herself we had a great time shooting quick fire questions at Sam and here is what she had to say!


Why did you get into the Deli Game?
Serendipity and a love & passion for all things food & drink. It has always been a long held dream to own a providore/deli type food business, so when the opportunity presented itself it was a no brainer for me. To be able to work everyday doing something you feel passion & joy for  is a blessing.

What’s your favourite thing about owning a deli?
The food and the people, I am so lucky to always eat well and love sharing it with anyone who cares to listen or eat with me! We spend most of our days talking about what we cooked, what we will cook, recipes, food food food.

What is your favourite thing to cook and who for?
Just one thing! That’s impossible to choose paella, cassoulet, piri piri chicken, yakitori on the hibachi, lamb shoulder slow cooked, does a grazing platter count?

What is your favourite thing to have cooked for you and by who?
Seafood by my family.

If you where a cheese what would you be?

Ocelli Malto Dorzo e Whisky – its got an interesting exterior, is a little boozy and once you get to know it its little silly and likes to have a lot fun

You could only choose one cheese, one meat and one other food item for the rest of your life what would they be?
Brie Fermier, Jamon Iberico & eafood

What 8 people would you most love to have at your dinner party
My Husband, My Kids, My amazing friends and on the celeb front Anthony Bourdain, Audrey Hepburn, David Bowie. Would be a pretty interesting dinner I think!

What’s your favourite food?
ahhhh Cheese … Cured Meats .. Cheese … hmmm cheese … salami, did I say cheese?

What is your number one cooking tip
Cook with love using great produce and you will always eat well

Top 3 favourite things in store and why
The Pork Ewe team! because they are awesome, the fridge its full of so many of my favourite things, our eclectic collection of bottles, art & pigs some are family items, some are gifts & some are treasures found in op shops

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